Monday, February 06, 2006

Windows OneCare Review

Windows OneCare Live I have been testing / playing / using OneCare for few months now, so decided to jot down a small review! hope this helps u decide what's best! Windows OneCare (still a beta) is works great and has tons of features and with many features being added on. This one is aims high for the record! Integrated Antivirus, Firewall, Defragger, Backup solutions and many more to come the best thing of all is the service is not a resource hungry u wont even notice any or much of difference at all. i tested it along with other antivirus tools and guess what very few interfere with its functioning others are probably happy to find OneCare around. what i mean is u can have Antivir / avg / avast / ez Antivirus ( parallel / along ) with OneCare and no problems they would work in harmony and still u will not notice a load on ur system, And for those who are wondering if its antivirus is good enough? think again OneCare can pretty much detect all the viruses around and protect ur system. best feature is its security level indicator and security advisories and updates. it will update missing security updates to make ur system strong! Pops up security advisories too, so as u can take necessary precautions and guess what will be the price of it once its public ? no its not that costly like Norton or MCAfee AV's in-fact its going to be the cheapest! news has it that its going to be around 50$ very affordable and guess what if u have been beta testing it u would get 60% discount too :) One more thing u will be buying OneCare as product licence not as a version product i.e., once u buy its gonna update itself add new modules add virus definitions tools all no charge as its an yearly license now that's a double thumbs-up! else like other antivirus software's u would need to pay more every-time a new version is released and the companies slowly stop service to old versions sorry no tactics here with OneCare this shows Microsoft really put out this product keeping user in mind not the money! I would really love OneCare to be free like Microsoft Antispyware but with a product like this its going to be a worthy investment to keep ur system fit and fine.

What should OneCare have: It would be kool if OneCare cud integrate Microsoft Antispyware to show in one interface easier to user but who knows by the time OneCare is out in market it mite have everything integrated to one. a registry cleaner to add in OneCare tools would be great Add-In! a safe viewer like red-wall for outlook attachments safe viewing would be gr8!. Hope to see these features in its release.

Windows Live OneCare is no longer available for sale!
Looking for a Microsoft Solution to try goto:
Microsoft Security Essentials a FREE anti-malware solution.

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